Alternative fuels for HGV’s

March 28, 2025
March 28, 2025

A range of alternative fuels for HGVs have been developed - or are presently being developed that make them viable options for replacing traditionally unsustainable fossil fuels. These alternative fuels can have marked practical and environmental benefits for haulage operators.

Unlike traditional fuels, biofuels are made by breaking down vegetable or animal products - using chemical reactions or heat - into liquid fuels. In the UK, the most commonly used biofuel is Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO). HVO is a ‘drop-in’ fuel option meaning that it can be used in existing engine and fuel infrastructure without modification and most manufacturers honour  engine warranties in circumstances in which HVO has been used. Research has demonstrated that HVO can marginally increase the performance and fuel economy of a vehicle whilst having a significant positive environmental impact. A number of major haulage operators in the UK, such as Chamberlain Transport and Freightliner, have transitioned to HVO. A report completed by GreenFleet has demonstrated that HVO emits considerably fewer greenhouse gasses than comparable fuels. On the other hand, the same report noted a number of oils required to create and bind HVO may originate from unsustainably produced rainforest products.

In the UK, a viable  eHGV vehicle or  network does not presently exist. However, a number of electric-hybrid models have emerged. Hybrid HGV’s present a number of marked benefits:

Improved roadside air quality when operating in urban environments, reduced noise pollution and slightly improved performance. However, currently existing hybrid HGV’s have limited electric range meaning that their moderate environmental benefits are largely limited to the range of their batteries. Consequently, the environmental performance of a hybrid HGV may be similar to that of a comparable vehicle powered by traditional fuels.

A number of analysts have touted hydrogen powered HGV’s as a solution for the future. Hydrogen can power a vehicle in two separate ways: using hydrogen to generate electricity or by using hydrogen as fuel in a combustion. Hydrogen powered vehicles benefit from having a sustainable and readily available source of energy alongside dramatically increased fuel efficiency. In addition, research in hydrogen powered cars - such as the Toyota Mirai - has evidenced that re-fuelling times are shorter than even traditional fuels. Further, existing hydrogen fuel cells have close to zero greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, development of hydrogen powered HGV’s has been slow, however Scania have had marked success when integrating a Cummins hydrogen fuel cell into an existing vehicle. Presently, the UK does not have a viable network for the fuelling of hydrogen powered vehicles and this will require considerable efforts from both the government and the private sector.  

When compared to the currently available options, the most viable appears to be biofuels like HVO. This is because they offer marked environmental benefits without considerable modification to either an operator's fleet or the fuelling infrastructure. However, once the technology is sufficiently developed, hydrogen power HGV’s may be revolutionary.

A plethora of alternative fuels are now available to haulage operators. Individual operators must carefully review each individual fuel and determine if switching to an alternative fuel - when the technology permits it -  is a viable option.